

I came back my home so hungry that couldn't wait for long time to make dinner!  I put chicken ketchup rice the day before yesterday I made in the freezer so I just defrosted it and add an omelet.  Yes, I made an omu-rice!!

Omu-rice is an example of contemporary Japanese fusion cuisine.  There are some kind of way to make omu-rice.  Wrap the ketchup rice with thin egg, put an omelet on the rice...and more.  And there are so many kind of sauce for omu-rice also!  Just ketchup, white cream sauce, brown sauce, tomato sauce...it's impossible to write everything!!  Like chicken ketchup rice, almost everybody loves omu-rice in Japan!  Actually, it is my favorite food!!

  • 1 bowl of chicken ketchup rice
  • 1 Tbs of butter
  • 2 eggs (☆)
  • 1 Tbs of milk or heavy cream (☆)
  • 1 Tbs of mayonnaise (☆)
  • 1 tsp of sugar (☆)
  • Salt and pepper (☆)
  • Tomato ketchup
  • Dried parsley

1,  Put chicken ketchup rice in a dish
2,  Mix all of  (☆) very well (If mayonnaise doesn't melt completely, that's no problem)
2,  Heat a pan until quite hot and add butter and heat until melt
3,  When you can see white smoke from the pan,  put the egg into the center of the pan at a time and stir with a chopstick or spatula a couple of times widely and quickly
4,  Take a pan off a fire and put the omelet on the ketchup rice
5,  Put tomato ketchup and dried parsley on it

By the way, do you know if you add a bit of mayonnaise to egg for omelet, you can make a really soft and light omelet?  Mayonnaise is made of egg, vinegar and oil mainly.  The vinegar and oil make omelet very soft and also the vinegar make the color of omelet clear and vivid!!  Even if you don't like mayonnaise, you don't feel the taste of mayonnaise at all.  When you make an omu-rice or omelet, I highly recommend adding mayonnaise!!

☆☆Related recipe☆☆

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